
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Stir Fry with Turnips

Turnips are nice looking bulbs, but I never used them before. I am not a big fan of turnip greens either. So I used to wonder what would I do with turnips, if I get them. Then one fine day, I got this idea of making stir fry with turnips. So here I am, trying to cook south Indian style with turnips!

This is a super simple recipe. Turnips have a mild flavor on its own, and I tried to dress it up little bit with garlic along with a little turmeric powder.

Recipe source : myself

Turnips -  cubed (8-10 nos)
Garlic - 1 clove. chopped fine
Onion - 1 tablespoon, chopped fine
Turmeric powder - couple generous pinch
Cayenne pepper powder or red hot chilli powder (from Indian store) - 1/4 teaspoon (totally avoid it, if don't like it)
Parsley - small handful.
Salt -  to taste
Oil - 1 teaspoon (I tried to use minimum)

Cut up the turnips into small cubes. Heat oil in a pan, add the chopped garlic and onion. Fry on medium heat and add turmeric and cayenne pepper. Put the turnip cubes in to the pan and add salt. Cover and cook for 5-8 minutes. Then open cook with stirring occasionally for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle chopped parsley (it is very good for you!) and mix well, switching off the heat. Adjust the salt if needed.

This taste slightly similar to Chinese potato or koorkka. But not starchy, however, more fibrous, I guess.


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